A Field Manual Of Magick For Social Engineering, Mass Mind Control, And Personal Persuasion... Learn Real Spells To Command Total Compliance And Absolute Authority From Your Subjects...
The Social Magick Spellbook features:
In our field manual of social engineering, you'll learn:
In the last three decades, I have performed more black magick rituals, authored more demonic grimoires, and given more personal consultations and live streams than probably any other magician in the history of the Left Hand Path — if not the history of the occult.
Again and again, the most ambitious young students of magick ask me the same burning hot question — a "politically incorrect" question that always triggers immense controversy and confusion online from traditional white magicians.
Here's the single most popular, most "forbidden" question of modern magick:
Can a black magician, or witch, REALLY perform social spells to manipulate human subjects and influence their behavior?
Furthermore, the students always ask this taboo question with a sense of deep-seated shame and veiled curiosity, viewing the ancient science of Social Magick as a guilty pleasure, like a dirty secret or naughty dream.
Here's the bottom line: the absolute, unequivocal answer is HARD YES. A masterful black magician, or seasoned witch, can perform shockingly effective rituals of mind control — and they can wield their Social Magick not only on an individual, but on the masses as a whole too.
The brutal, uncomfortable truth is that social engineering is 100% real, and influencing your behavior and life in ways that YOU cannot perceive with your physical senses. In fact, the real world consists of a massive web, like an internet, of individual human beings influencing each other as a collective both spiritually and physically.
Every spell that we cast is a form of manipulation, influence, and persuasion. Even rituals of Ascent and Self-Transcendence act through influencing, persuading, and manipulating our own selves to let go of that which needs to be released, freeing ourselves to finally step into an even vaster gestalt.
At the very core of magick, we are attempting to convince ourselves of the change that we wish to see in the world around us. And, indeed, once we are able to fully persuade ourselves that reality is as we wish it to be, circumstances begin to arrange themselves to conform with this persuasion.
—E.A. Koetting, Assertion of Will, p.11
The higher, more important question is: Are you the influencer, or the influenced? Are you the driver, or the passenger? Are you the magician, or the subject? Are you master, or the slave?
Even the most hardcore individual needs people — for love and sex, for wealth and prosperity, for health and medicine, for spiritual ascent and enlightenment. In fact, you could not exist without two other people reproducing to give your life to you.
The historic English poet John Donne correctly observed, "No man is an island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."
Ancient priests, emperors and queens, and solitary forest witches have always performed rituals, ceremonies, and spells of Social Magick to influence the victory of their warriors in battles, to inflame love in their spouses and dates in court, and to inspire health in their neighbors and tribe. Quite simply, Social Magick is human nature, because humans are social animals.
The Social Magick Spellbook is the new 6th grimoire of The World Domination Series. It features 3 of the top sorcerers and authors in the modern world of the occult, namely E.A. Koetting, Martin McGreggor, and Andrieh Vitimus. It is your battle-tested field manual of magick for social engineering, mass mind control, and personal persuasion. It shows you how to perform real spells that command total compliance and absolute authority in your own social life.
Why shouldn't YOU be in control? If you're not, someone else is.
The Social Magick Spellbook opens with my all-new, unapologetic grimoire, called Spells for Magickal Manipulation. And it comes with a 100% Guilt-Free Guarantee: my spellbook contains no moral grandstanding, no superstitious fearmongering, and no politically correct shame-mongering. The grimoire contains a pure, undiluted Will To Power.
100 Guilt-Free Guarantee: My spellbook contains no moral grandstanding, no superstitious fearmongering, and no politically correct shame-mongering.
In Chapter 1, Assertion of Will, I recount my first experimental evocations, leading to my ultimate contact with Lucifer. I reveal Lucifer’s exact teachings, a three-step process of Assertion of Will.
Each of these 3 steps is broken down and elaborated upon as the unshakeable foundation of social engineering in this opening chapter, as well as throughout my entire master-grimoire.
Chapter 2 is entitled Candle Magick Control Spells, and indeed, every aspect of candle magick and its deployment in persuasive magick is divulged. This chapter provides a full concordance of candle magick colors, directions on how to consecrate each colored spell candle, and step-by-step instructions for several complete candle magick spells, such as:
This 2nd chapter concludes with instructions on how to tailor make your own unique Portal Candles. A Portal Candle is candle forged to act as a portal of power, tailor-made to manifest your specific desires. You'll receive ever instruction for the collection of magickal items to include in the candle, for the construction of the Portal Candle, and for its talismanic consecration and magnetism.
Sympathetic and Contagious Magick, Chapter 3, is jam packed with proven spells of Sympathetic and Contagious Magick. In Sympathetic Magick, we combine, manipulate, and act upon objects that represent and embody the human target and the specific intention or command of the social magick spell. In Contagious Magick, we energetically combine and imbue materials, which then pass either directly or through a sympathetic link to the target.
A concordance of magickal fetish Items linked to the target of your spells is given in this chapter, along with an overview of how these types of magick work. A Poppet Spell to Eliminate Obstacles demonstrate the practice of Sympathetic and Fetish Magick.
In this 3rd chapter, for the first time ever, I reveal my ingredients and instructions for Sour Jars and Sweetening Jars. A Sour Jar is used to sour the target’s life, while a Sweetening Jar will sweeten the target’s life, or better yet, will sweeten the target towards you, the spellcaster!
Chapter 3 concludes with Met Kalfu’s Black Pin Trick, a real, hardcore Voodoo spell that dominates the psychology of a subject with total mind control!
Chapter 4, Magickal Visualizations, clarifies and demystifies the "inner game" and living energy mechanics of Persuasion Magick, teaching you tried-and-true methods of visualization and direct energy manipulation that you can wield on the fly in the field, so you can cast powerful spells no matter where you’re at, using nothing but your mind!
You'll learn 3 such covert, manipulation spells in this section:
Chapter 5 is called Bewitching the Masses, and in this final chapter, I expand the scope of Social Engineering Magick to countless numbers of targets, entire groups, revealing 2 major ritual undertakings that will allow the Black Magician to wield spells of persuasion, manipulation, influence, and sweeping control over the masses!
The next grimoire featured in The Social Magick Spellbook is Martin McGreggor’s Possession & Presence: Resurrecting the Flesh of the Fallen Angels.
Does Satanic Power have any ethics or principles? And does it even matter?
The 1st chapter opens with a frank discussion of the obvious ethics and core values of magick and and Satanic Sorcery, as they pertain to social manipulation. Herein, Martin addresses the morality of using magick — or any other means — to persuade others contrary to their initial stance or superficial preference.
Rather than simply giving a blank check to run rampant as unhinged sociopaths, Martin gives some excellent guidelines for ensuring that you are acting in your own best interest at all times. Believe it or not, acting unhinged socially often has the opposite effect of your desire and unintended consequences.
Warning: Acting like an unhinged sociopath can cause the opposite effect of your social desire as an unintended consequence. This is a practical warning, not a moral one.
Chapter 2 instructs in using spirit possession as a spellcasting tool. By utilizing possession within the ritual chamber and then Presencing spirits before others in the mundane world, especially when those onlookers have no genuine concept of the source of what they are seeing, a worker may influence every fabric of their social world!
In Chapter 3, Martin extracts lessons from his magickal interactions with Sparrow and Hawks, and how Beelzebub often speaks to us through the natural world, and through events as they unravel.
In Chapter 4, Martin reveals his magickal formula of UKO’AIZOZOW and the supernatural ramifications it has had in his life. Through his recounting, Martin reveals his ritual of idolatry, his channelings from Belial and Ananiel, and the demonic Litany of Power that he used to finally overcome crushing poverty once and for all.
Chapter 5 gives the formula for The Stride of Suriel. The Fallen Angel Suriel requires that the worker walk as royalty, rising above the doubts and criticisms of lesser beings. Through this spell, the sorcerer will adopt The Stride of Suriel and walk through social settings or interactions unaffected by the machinations of others. This is particularly important when dealing with matters of popularity and prestige everywhere, as the mere appearance of confidence may be enough to sway the day!
Chapter 6 teaches a spell working with Leviathan to coil around your target and create an inescapable trap, tightening your grasp on their will. The coiling forges an irresistible binding of your spirits together with an energetic yoke.
In chapter 7, Martin indulges you in a secret spell of seduction and desire, working with the Fallen Angel Kesabel to inflame your target with lust, passion, desire, interest, and attraction towards you.
Chapter 8 is an infernal Candle Magick spell with the Fallen Angel Dan’iel. This spell is used to understand the cryptic truth of any situation, and to discern what path will be best to take.
In Chapter 9, you'll learn an evocation ritual to call upon Samyaza’s Summons, to bring allies into your life. As a leader of thousands of Legions, Samyaza is capable of bringing masses of people together for a united purpose, especially if it results in a brand-new creation.
Martin presents a ritual with Satan in chapter 10, turning the weapon of influence upon the self, stimulating hidden and even perverse desires within the summoner!
Chapter 11 invokes the Eyes of Amaros. Amaros is a Fallen Angel expert in breaking illusions and enchantments. Similarly, through the spell given in this chapter, viewing your target through the separate eyes of Amaros will provide insight into their strengths and weaknesses, frame of mind, and opportunities for influence.
Chapter 12 teaches a spell called Kasyade’s Kiss, which is a magickal kiss of confusion, tempting the target, for good or for ill, to deviate from the safety and security of their plans and share a moment of release with you.
Chapter 13 is Martin McGreggor’s final chapter, in which he ties these seemingly disparate spells and rites into a full operation of resurrecting the flesh of the Fallen Angels!
The 3rd and final grimoire in The Social Magick Spellbook is Using The Planetary Forces For Influence by internationally respected magician and author Andrieh Vitimus. This master grimoire is truly a masterclass in summoning and channeling the immensely powerful Planetary Magick from the Planetary Intelligences. It truly is jam packed with:
In his introduction, Andrieh lays out basic definitions and descriptions of influential magick, and then right away delivers his first practical exercise, Waterfall Banishing, a refreshing meditation that washes away any negativity and centers you in your own power.
Chapter 2 teaches the foundations of Planetary Magick, and gives unique introductory meditations to align your mind and energy with the energies and spirits of each planet.
Chapter 3 lays out the Planetary Influence Model, explaining how and why Planetary Magick is so effective, and initial suggestions on how to wield the power of each planet in your daily affairs here on earth.
Chapter 4 instructs in targeted meditations to connect with the Planetary Intelligences, teaching how to access the spirits and powers of each planet through their Planetary Seals, and invoke their aid astrally.
Chapter 5 provides complete instructions for the summoning forth of the Planetary Intelligences to inspire, guide, and even directly mentor you. Andrieh teaches alternate methods of connecting with each planet, and even shares his recommended plant, mineral, and incense offerings.
Chapter 5 gives additional Planetary Influence Rituals, including but not limited to:
Sit back in the comfort of your own home and watch a masterclass of the 3 authors showing you step by step how to perform the spells and rituals of social engineering in a 7-hour streaming video course.
In Section 1 of The Social Magick course, I begin with a full Mastering Candle Magick Workshop, teaching you the demonic fundamentals of infernal Candle Magick, Spell Candle Consecration, as well as how to use different types of charged candles to maximize the results of your Social Spells. I then perform a real-life Candle Magick Healing Spell that you can perform along with me!
You'll learn my "secret recipe" to tailor make Portal Candles — a candle that holds open a portal of power to manifest your specific desires. I craft my own Portal Candle, imbued with a variety of precious minerals, herbs, and other magickal talismans, as well as giving suggestions that you could include for you own personalized Portal Candle.
In Section 3, I also give my secret recipes for Sweet and Sour Jars, and walk you through every step of batching your own Sour Jar and Sweet Jar as I create my own, so you can see how this powerful spell comes together.
Once you learn these Sweet & Sour Spells, you’ll find yourself turning to them much more often than you would have imagined!
In Section 4, Martin McGreggor opens with a frank discussion on the ethics of persuasive magick, and provides excellent insights on ensuring that you are always working in your best interest. Martin then dives straight into the application of witchcraft to your daily life through two similar techniques of Presence and Possession. Martin tells you exactly how to amplify your presence and program it with specific frequencies, and how to trigger daemonic possession and harness it towards your magickal and social goals!
In Section 5, Martin McGreggor shares a personal story that is packed with magickal teachings of The Sparrows and The Hawks, and he extracts some of his greatest insights from what he experienced with these spontaneous magickal familiars. Martin concludes this section with a rite to the Fallen Angel Dan'iel.
In Section 6, Andrieh Vitimus teaches his unique Lunar Techniques For Influence, opening with methods of grounding and centering, and then moving into a masterclass on Neuro-Linguistic Programming and how to use it in combination with ritual magick. Andrieh teaches the principles of mastering any social situation, and then demonstrates them with members of his live audience, so you can see exactly how to apply these teachings to any situation that you want to take control over.
In Section 7, Andrieh Vitimus performs guided meditations to activate your magickal powers and to bring you into a greater awareness in your waking life. Relax, close your eyes, and let Andrieh guide you through the portals of your own mind, into realms of limitlessness! Andrieh concludes the video course with a stunning Lunar Summoning Rite.
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The Social Magick Spellbook is your field manual of magick for social engineering, mass mind control, and personal persuasion. You'll learn spells to command total compliance and absolute authority over every area of your social life.
Get $200 off to save 40% off with this two-in-one pairing.
Receive the handbook of social manipulation spells by E.A. Koetting, Martin McGreggor, and Andrieh Vitimus by itself in either black leather or black cloth hardback.
You live in the Age of Influencers. Every social media app is flooded with spam and brain rot from shallow, soulless people. These "influencers" are influencing YOU. They are brainwashing you with consumerism that you don't need, and conditioning you with beliefs that disempower you.
Become the Influencer of your own social life.
A spectrum exists from 0 to 100%. Either the world is determining you, or you are determining the world, in different amounts. Ordinary people sit somewhere near 0, they possess little-to-no power over their life and world.
I pioneered The World Domination Series to help YOU to become the Commander-in-Chief of your own world. The Social Magick Spellbook constitutes the 6th grimoire in the Series, and it arms you with the necessary rituals and proven spells that can raise your power quotient higher than you ever believed possible.
I will see you in The Spellbook...
Godlike Power,
E.A. Koetting authored eight classic grimoires on black magick, and co-created Become A Living God, where he has helped hundreds of thousands of magicians to experience Ascent.