Let 2 Masters Of Radionics E.A. Koetting And L. The Alchemist Perform The Radionic Nexion Ritual To Awaken Your Hidden Psionic Superpowers And Prepare You For The Solar Eclipse On October 2
In the Radionic Nexion Ritual, you'll experience The 5 Powers of Transmutation from the Dragon Chalice:
Myself, E.A. Koetting, and the sorcerer L. the Alchemist have come together to perform for a once-in-a-lifetime, exclusive group ritual on your behalf, called the Radionic Nexion Ritual.
On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse will occur that opens a radionic nexion: a unique magickal gateway that will open using the full power of radionics, merged with ancient magickal ceremony. A week earlier on September 24, L. the Alchemist and I will both triangulate your life and the energetic matrix surrounding and influencing all of the people, events, and even the spirits that you deal with, casting upon your life the unlimited power of black magick with Radionics Technology, called the Radionic Nexion Ritual.
In preparation for this ritual, L. the Alchemist and I, E.A. Koetting, will spend several days creating an astral Dragon Chalice into which all of the energies of this ritual will be funneled. Through the symbol of the Technogram, given below, you will be able to tap the Dragon Chalice directly and receive as much of its energies as you need at any time for any working that you choose, indefinitely into the future, as the energy of this ritual will continue to grow and accumulate continuously!
The Technogram above is a magickal seal of Radionics and Technosorcery, and it is featured on the cover of the grimoire, The Radionics Magick Spellbook. You are welcome to draw it yourself if you choose, but you can also simply gaze at the cover of your copy of The Radionics Magick Spellbook to access the powers contained in The Dragon Chalice.
Along with this seal, chant the following Infernal Zoetic Prescription:
In the Radionic Nexion Ritual, we will fill the astral Dragon Chalice with The 5 Powers of Transmutation:
We have carefully chosen the best day of the entire year for this ritual, an extremely powerful astrological moment that occurs very rarely, therefore we need to act at precisely the right time.
We will perform Radionic Nexion Ritual on September 24, a week before the Solar Eclipse of October 2nd, to help you to fully harness the Black Rays of the Solar Magick on the special day. This eclipse will not be seen by many people, as it will pass over the Pacific Ocean, aligning perfectly with the watery nature of The Dragon Chalice. This is the perfect crossroads in time for awakening hidden powers, beginning new paths, and for full transmutation of your life and yourself!
We will film our rituals, so you can see and hear everything that happens, and receive any channeled insights that come through us. You will receive the recorded ritual performances a few days prior to the Solar Eclipse to ensure that you have plenty of time to prepare yourself. The ritual is not fully sealed until you watch this prepared ritual video on the Solar Eclipse, October 2nd, as the video will act as the portal through which all of these powers will enter into your life. By watching the video from start to finish, and following along with our instructions, you will magickally access the fullness of the energy un-leashed in this rite.
As soon as the ritual is complete, we will begin processing the footage, and will send you a video link by email and it will will also become available in the Become A Living God members area the last week of September for you to watch on October 2nd, the day of the Solar Eclipse.
All you will need to do is get comfortable, press play, and follow the visualizations and simple instructions given. In addition to completing the energetic circuit of these powers into your life, the ritual video will also provide you with essential channeled information as well as ritual instructions to conclude the ritual on your end.
I also recommend that you have a journal and pen or pencil, to take note of anything that is channeled, or anything that might be revealed to you during the course of the ritual. Often, these insights can be the most valuable extractions from these life-changing rituals.
Once you’ve signed up for this ritual, the Demonic Masters of Radionic Power will seal the sign of The Technogram upon your life to empower it forever.
Godlike Power,