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One Of The Greatest Success Stories From A Client... Unadulterated, Unexaggerated, And Absolutely True

Hey Friend,

In the work that I do at Become A Living God, I get to help a lot of people in a lot of diverse ways.  And, I almost always hear back from them after our consultation, after they've worked through a Course Program, used some of my techniques, etc.

I get a particular sense of fulfillment when I have even the smallest measure of impact in a person's life for the positive.

So, with emails and phone calls pouring in from people that I have helped, I am ordinarily quite fulfilled.

But, some of these follow-ups go a bit beyond leaving me with a sense of fulfillment. Some of them touch me, and humble me, that I have been the vehicle for such tremendous change.

I received one such phone call today, just minutes ago, and I had to share it with you.

Before I tell you about John and his struggle, and how we worked together to overcome it, I want to point out that what John needed was NOT a simple push in the right direction, nor was it motivation, or a mystical experience, or help with developing spiritual faculties.

All of these are great, and I work with individuals every day in achieving these - and many more - goals.

"John Needed A Miracle... He Needed The Heavens To Crack Open And The Tides Of Fate To Be Turned..."

What John needed, though, was a miracle.  He needed the heavens to crack open and the tides of fate to be turned from their devastating course.  He needed me to intervene in his life in a way that only a Living God can.

If I'm being honest with you, the human part of me - the part of me that doubts and fears and attaches and winces - that part of me doubted my own power when I first took on John's case.  His troubles were too intense, his enemies too powerful, and his weapons.... well, he didn't have any weapons at all.  He needed me to be act as his sword and shield.  He told me on the phone during our first consultation that he didn't know where else to turn, and that if I couldn't help him, he didn't think that anyone could.

"I Shoved My Fears Aside And Began Evoking Legions Of Spirits..."

And so I did what any aspiring Living God would do: I shoved my fears and doubts aside, and began evoking legions of spirits to fly to John's aid.

Now, today, after speaking with John about the success of my rituals, my frail, human self has much less ammunition with which to use against my Knowing that I am a Living God!

You might find yourself in a similar situation, where your problems are too intense to battle, when you need a miracle, but neither God nor the devil seem to be listening to your pleas.  I may be able to help you.  The first step is to schedule a consultation with me, so we can discuss your goals, use divination to see into the future, and to determine how best to attack them, and draw out a magickal battle plan that will guarantee success!

If this sounds like what you need, just click on the link below to schedule your consultation!

Get My Direct Help

When John came to me, he was three years into a legal battle with his former employer, who happened to be a large and powerful county.  He felt that he was fired unrightfully, and as soon as he started to take action against them, the gates of hell opened up in his life.

He soon found that the county that he lived in not only would cover up injustices done to their workers, but they also started harassing him through the police, and eventually arrested him on false charges.

Every attorney that John consulted refused to help him.  The catch is, though, that they all told him how strong his case was, but that they weren't about to poke a sleeping lion and get bit.  In other words, the county government already had a reputation for corruption and for a swift fist.

Here's what I did to help John:

"I Performed A Ritual Of Evocation, Summoning Before Me 3 Powerful Demonic Allies."

I performed a ritual of evocation, summoning before me 3 powerful demonic allies.  One of these would go to John to protect him throughout this process, as well as to bring him the money that he would need to furnish his own attorney.  The second went to find an attorney willing and able to help, and would connect that attorney with John.  The third would seek out witnesses and direct them to John's aid.

"...Using The Tongue Of A Pig..."

I also performed a ritual of sympathetic magick, drawn from Haitian Vodoun, using the tongue of a pig, various herbs and oils, and "loosened the tongues of witnesses," so that those who could help John would.

Of course, I sent the consecrated sigils to John, as well as instructions on how to speak to the spirits, and I gave him specific directions to follow to put himself into receptivity with what he wanted as well.

Within weeks, John found an attorney specializing in workplace discrimination, who was ALREADY building a case against the specific county that John lived in and worked for.  After three years of having every attorney slam their doors in John's face, right after I used ritual for him, a goliath law firm seemed to materialize out of nowhere to help him!

Having been out of work for three years, he was having a hard time coming up with the retainer fee for this law firm, which was 20 thousand dollars for a case of this immensity.  But, the spirits that I called had that handled too!  John received a very generous donation from an anonymous party in the tune of SEVERAL TIMES the amount needed for his case.

Finally, John was contacted by the Vice President of the Workers Union that employed him, and said that he would gladly testify in court, and that he also had a list of others who suddenly felt like sharing their stories of workplace discrimination at the hands of John's previous employer.

All of the pieces fell into place, and today John is on his way into his attorney's office, retainer fee in hand, Union Vice President beside him, and three powerful spirits behind him, having split the heavens and turned the tides of fate!

I wanted to share this story with you because it always touches and humbles me when I see the powers and abilities that I share at Become A Living God change the lives of others in such extraordinary ways.  But, I also wanted to share this with you, to illustrate the boundlessness of these powers.  No matter how fierce your adversaries, no matter how difficult the trek, no matter how much doubt you might feel, once you put these powers into effect in your life, the word "impossibly" simply melts away!

I'll talk again soon!

Your friend,

EA. Koetting
