Dear Friend,
Over the past two weeks, I’ve been asked multiple times for detailed instructions on a cornerstone magickal ritual – The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
While most of these requests have come from clients whom I am personally mentoring in their magickal development, it seems that the question is coming up enough that it might be beneficial to lay out some basic instructions for this ritual.
Before I get too deep into this ritual, I want to invite you to book a consultation with me, if you're finding the whole concept of "ritual work" too daunting, or complicated. You'd be surprised at how quickly a 60-minute session with me can make magick "approachable" and "achievable" to even the most novice magician. Click here to book an appointment right now.
Now let me be honest with you: if you want to perform this ritual to the letter of its original Order of the Golden Dawn design, then you’re going to find a double-edged dagger with a handle in the shape of a T. You’ll then have to brush over the handle several coats of white primer, followed by a few coats of brilliant, yellow paint. After that dries, you’ll need to stencil or carefully paint several Hebrew godnames in purple paint, as well as angelic names and sigils.
You’re also going to need to make a “Tau” robe, which is a white robe with arms that once again form the shape of the letter T. These can be difficult to find for sale anywhere, so you’re probably going to have to break out your sewing machine and some white fabric and try to peace it together yourself.
Or, you can come with me and we’ll figure out what exactly this ritual is supposed to do, and find ways to reach the same outcome WITHOUT all of the superfluous, and often dogmatic, instructions.
Now, there are always those who say, “You’re not doing it right, so it won’t work!” The classical grimoires also say that you should be mining your own iron and beating it on your own anvil to make your dagger, as well as raising the goat that you’ll sacrifice, and you should never EVER sleep in the same bed as a menstruating woman. It’s easy to confuse the symbol for the essence, and so we always need to ask ourselves “Why does this have the effect that is has?” and then we can start to eliminate unnecessary steps of the process.
So, let’s look at the basic steps of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. To perform this, it helps to have some sort of dagger. My good friend Nate gave me this ritual dagger that I now use in many of my rituals, although I learned early on that the real secret to power is adaptability. If you don’t have a sharp, two-edged, black handled dagger, then grab a steak knife from the kitchen. I’ve even used a butter knife as my ritual dagger. For this particular ritual, you can also use the index and middle fingers of your right hand instead of the dagger.
Step #1 Enter into a meditative state until you can feel the energetic fluctuations in and around you. This can be achieved pretty easily by turning your attention over to your breath, feeling it flowing in and out of your body, noticing your aura expanding and contracting as you do so.
Step #2 Imagine yourself growing larger and larger, your spiritual body expanding beyond your home, larger than your city, larger than the earth, until you find yourself looking over creation as if you have become the Creator. The essence that you want to connect with here is that of omnipotence. You want to feel as if you could pluck the earth out of its orbit and hold it in your hands.
Step #3 Notice that even though you are centered in existence and stand above creation, that there is still a brilliant light above you, which is the power and presence of "Divinity", floating above your head like cloud of light. Reach the dagger up into that cloud and pull the light down with it as you touch the tip of the dagger to your forehead. Vibrate the word: "ATAH,” which means “Unto Thee”.
Step #4 Touching the tip of the dagger to the center of your chest, vibrate “Malkuth” which means “The Kingdom."
Step #5 Touch the dagger to your right shoulder and vibrate "ve-Geburah which means “and the Power."
Step #6 Bring the dagger to your left shoulder, vibrating "ve-Gedulah, which means “and the Glory”.
Step #7 Bringing the dagger back to the center of your chest, vibrate "le-Olahm, Amen” which means “Forever and ever, amen.”
This basically further solidifies your "Divinity" in this Operation, so that all commands you give from this point onward are no different than commands given by the "Divine" itself.
Step #8 Turning to the East, trace a banishing pentagram with your dagger. The banishing pentagram is drawn by starting and ending the pentagram at the lower left point. You can also draw the pentagrams in accordance with the element of the direction you’re facing, but I’ve found that this is needlessly redundant. Visualize the pentagram glowing with blue energy, floating in the air above you.
Step #9 Fully activate the pentagram by thrusting the dagger through the center of it and vibrating the Godname “Yod He Vau He.” Step back to the center of the circle and give the Sign of Silence, placing your index finger over your lips.
Step #10 Turn to the South, pulling the energy of the eastern star with you, trailing a line of fiery power from the east to the south. Draw the banishing pentagram again, thrusting the dagger through it and vibrate the Godname “ADONAI”. Return to the center of the circle and give the Sign of Silence.
Step #11 Turn to the West, continuing to pull the energy with you, again drawing the pentagram before you, thrusting the dagger into the center and vibrating the godname “EHEIEH”.
Step #12 Turn to the North, trace the pentagram in the air, thrust the dagger into the center of it, and vibrate the Godname “AGLA.”
Step #13 Return to the east, and in your Magickal Imagination, visualize the pentagrams around you, connected by the fiery energy, forming a circle around you. Extend your arms out to your sides, forming your body into the shape of a cross, symbolic of the union between the physical and the spiritual. Call out: "Before meRaphael; Behind me Gabriel; On my right hand Michael; On my left hand Auriel. About me burns the Pentagram, and within me burns the six-rayed Star."
This ritual can be performed before and after any ritual that you undertake, as well as at any point when you need to center and ground yourself, or banish unwanted forces.
What I think is probably the most important part of this ritual, as well as just about any other ritual, is making initial contact with these forces. Once you do so, not only will you be able to call them forth with a more solid presence each time you call them, but you’ll also find that you can begin to eliminate redundancy in your rituals.
In other words, it’s essential to understand that none of the spiritual phenomena is being generated by the ritual dagger, by the divine names, or by anything other than yourself. You are creating the lines of the pentagrams, as well as the circle of power around you. You are even creating the manifest forms of the archangels.
You see, what you’re doing here is NOT praying to a Divine figure to make these things happen, but instead you are literally Becoming A Living God and commanding reality to obey you!
After receiving requests - literally - every day for my Complete Works to be available in eBook format, I've decided to bite the bullet and release them digitally.
The truth is, I penned all 7 grimoires for YOU.
So why not let you read them? What's the point of keeping them locked away in a safe for all eternity? God knows the physically scanned, pirated versions are so terrible you can barely even comprehend the text.
Up until now, they've only been obtainable as physical books. The problem, is they were all printed in extremely limited editions - a couple hundred here and there. This scarcity has skyorcketed their value to occult collectors, and as a result, the books themselves are INSANELY expensive... like hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each. Here take a look at an auction sale that transpired on eBay:
If you don't have an unlimited amount of cash sitting around for your Occult Education, then I sympathize. So this is why I've decided to not only release the Library of Writing as eBooks, but I'm making them AFFORDABLE. Click right here to learn more.
I'll talk to you again soon...
You friend,