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Unlock The 18 Flames Of Initiation Into The Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis... How To Receive The Secret Pre-Order Link

Hey Friend,

Timothy here.

You signed up for the secret pre-order of our Anthology of Sorcery earlier this year. As you may know, we will release the 18 Flames and Discourses of Initiation from theOrdo Ascensum Aetyrnalis on December 29th.

I want to give you the privilege of a private correspondence, and personally provide you a link to sign up for the pre-order of this gorgeous crimson leather textbook, and companion video course—in which E.A. demonstrates rituals of the pathworking live.

The O.A.A. stood 100% practical, versus theoretical and rhetorical. This differentiated it from everyone else. E.A. always conentrates more on EXPERIENCE, and less on hypothesis.

I believe the 18 Flames of this Pathworking will genuinely help to fulfill your Ascent. For this reason, I harassed him to reprint this original source material once more—except it includes new commentary, clarifications, and demonstrations—despite his promise to never do so. And he relented, because of his irrepressible mission to aid fellow black magicians.

Click below to sign up for the pre-order of Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis. It commences on Monday, December 29th. You are going to receive 48 hours ahead of everyone else, who get access on New Year's Eve. It may sell out fast, so take action at midnight on Sunday the 28th.

Reserve Your Spot

Godlike Power.

