Let Me Evoke Belial Into Your Life… I Am Opening Up A Gateway To The Underworld And Contacting Belial To Make A Pact With Him On Your Behalf
With Evocation of Belial, you receive:
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Dear Friend,
I’ve only evoked Belial a handful of times, but each time I have, he has radically changed my life.
Belial is “Without a Master.” He bows before no one.
I’ve had times when my whole life has come crashing down around me, and I’ve had nowhere else to turn. In those times, I’ve turned to Belial. Not only did he move through my life, bailing me out of some of the worst situations I’ve gotten myself into, but he also set me on a path of power.
Now, I invite you to let me call him for you!
If you have an emergency circumstance in life, obstacles that you can’t overcome, or forces that are aligning against you, and you need Belial to intervene in your behalf, this ritual will bring him into your life so that you can do that!
Or, if you’re an Adept magician and you are ready to learn the most fierce black magick from the most badass demon in history, this pact working with put you in league with Belial directly!
I have already spent weeks preparing the ritual area - a remote clearing in the woods - and will return there on the day of the ritual.
The rite begins by opening a gateway to the underworld through the ground beneath me. Once the gateway is open and I have made contact with Belial, I will then leave my body through Soul Travel and I will visit you astrally, linking your astral body of light to the ritual, the gateway, and linking you to Belial himself!
From there, literally anything can happen!
Some of the most common occurrences are:
1. | Full demonic gatekeeper ritual |
2. | Certified blood pact in your name |
3. | Complete video proof of ritual |
4. | Thorough breakdown of experience |
5. | Magick formula for you to perform by yourself |
6. | I perform the ritual evocation on September 12th |
I do have to warn you: Belial works fast, and he works hard! Once you invite him into your life, everything is going to change for you, forever!
Talk again soon,