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Embark On The ULTIMATE Magical Journey With Lilith, Samael, The Qliphothic Kings & Queens, And The 22 Tunnel Guardians With The Complete Pioneer’s Guide To Initiation In Qliphothic Magic

  •   The Qliphothic Trilogy: 594-page, 3-books-in-1, master-grimoire
  •   Author & Illustrator Asenath Mason
  •   Foreword Bill Duvendack
  •   Editor: Timothy
  •   Sample eBook: Ch. 5 - Lilith: Queen of the Night
  •   Global Shipping: Ships priority mail within three days
Asenath Mason


Get the three books of the Qliphothic Magic Series in one master-grimoire that features spirit portraits, advanced sigils, a cosmology map, and proven rituals.

Grimoire 1. Qliphothic Meditations
Receive a complete introduction to Kings & Queens of the 11 Qliphothic Realms within the Tree of Death.

Grimoire 2. Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations
Perform evocation with my proven step-by-step rituals to become a high-powered Qliphothic Magician.

Grimoire 3. Tunnels of Set
Unlock a pioneer's guide to self-initiation with the 22 Demonic Guardians of the Tunnels of Set.

Get $228 off to save 41% with the Trilogy.


Original price was: $557.Current price is: $329.
  • 3 grimoires in 1 book
  • Black leather hardback
  • 594 pages, 7×10 trim size
  • First & limited edition
  • Black leather hardback
  • 166 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • Second & limited edition
  • Scarlet cloth hardback
  • 166 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • Second & limited edition
  • Almost sold out
  • Black leather hardback
  • 250 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • Second & limited edition
  • Scarlet cloth hardback
  • 250 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • Second & limited edition
  • Black leather hardback
  • 305 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • First & limited edition
  • Scarlet cloth hardback
  • 305 pages, 6×9 trim size
  • First & limited edition
  • 3 grimoires in 1 book
  • Black leather hardback
  • 594 pages, 7×10 trim size
  • First & limited edition
Original price was: $557.Current price is: $329.

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Peer Reviews

  • In Tunnels of Set, Asenath Mason completes her Qliphothic Trilogy, the most in-depth exploration of its kind. With her typical style, she goes into details and nuances to flesh out the Sitra Ahra. Her work in this field is unparalleled in its depth, and the vision it completes, along with the other two books in the series, is of a mesmerizing dark beauty.

    Bill Duvendack, author of Qliphothic Astrology
  • She's done it!! Asenath has managed to journey into the depths of the night-side to create a kick-ass guide of self-initiation through the Tree of Death. I had no doubt that my sister could tackle the task of condensing such an elusive subject into a manageable system that any practicing magician could work with. There's no doubt in my mind that this will go down in history as one of the greatest tomes ever written.

    M. KingAuthor
  • Once again, Asenath delivers a highly-compelling and practical grimoire of the nightside forces! The Tunnels are described in dazzling detail, their rituals straightforward and incredibly effective. A must-have for anyone wanting to explore the Qliphothic Realm in all its twists and turns.

    Denerah Erzebet, author of Rites of Astaroth

Dear Friend,

My work with the Qliphoth began over 20 years ago, when I was introduced to the subject through the writings of Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley, and other magicians who peered into the dark side of the Tree of Life and shared the results of their work through their publications.

In previous centuries books of magic, grimoires, and occult texts tried to obscure and hide secrets of power rather than reveal them—hence the name occult. In particular, the Tree of Qliphoth had been avoided and rejected by Qabalists as a road to damnation. The faith believed in a notion of salvation through union of the soul with Divine Light, the so-called Right Hand Path.

In present times we are witnessing a radical change in the attitude toward darker forms of magic and away from faith-based salvation. Rituals that were previously shunned are now being revealed as high-powered tools of personal ascent and evolution for individual magicians, altogether known as the Left Hand Path.

I would like to present the culmination of over two decades of ritual pathworking, temple-verified gnosis, personal study, and authorship in my all-new The Qliphothic Trilogy. This 594-page book contains the three grimoires of the Qliphothic Magic Series combined into one:

  1. Qliphothic Meditations, Volume 1, 2015
  2. Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, Volume 2, 2016
  3. Tunnels of Set, Volume 3, 2020

The complete series covers the entire Dark Tree from the Demonic Rulers and their Realms, to the Tunnel Guardians and their Pathways. It lays down a coherent and applicable system of approaching the Qliphoth from the perspective of modern magic. Furthermore, it features a new Foreword by my magical partner Bill Duvendack on the history, limitless power, and ascent you can experience with Qliphothic Magic.

Would you like to perform the ULTIMATE self-initiation with the Demonic Kings and Queens of the Tree of Qliphoth? Because you can receive my three grimoires from my Qliphothic Magic Series in a gorgeous black leather hardback, The Qliphothic Trilogy, right now.

Book 1. Qliphothic Meditations — Experience Your First Introductions & Encounters With Lilith, Samael, And The Demonic Kings & Queens Of The 11 Qliphothic Realms On The Tree of Death

Unlock Life-Changing Gnosis & Initiation With The Demonic Rulers Of The 11 Qliphothic Realms Of The Nightside As Seen With This Tablet Of Magic Below:

Initiation: Qliphothic Magic
Introduction Ch. 1
The Tree of Qliphoth Ch. 2
Methods of Work Ch. 3
The Key to the Nightside Ch. 4
The Opening Ritual Ch. 5
Grimoire: Sigils & Rites
Lilith: The Queen of the Night Ch. 6
Gamaliel: The Obscene One Ch. 7
Samael: The Poison of God Ch. 8
A'Arab Zaraq: The Raven of Dispersion Ch. 9
Thagairion: The Disputer Ch. 10
Golachab: The Burning One Ch. 11
Gha'agsheblah: The Smiter Ch. 12
Daath: The Abyss Ch. 13
Satariel: The Concealer Ch. 14
Ghagiel: The Hinderer Ch. 15
Thaumiel: The Twin God Ch. 16

Book 2. Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations — How To Perform Ritual Evocations Of The Demonic Kings & Queens Of Sitra Ahra With My Proven, Step-By-Step Rituals To Become A High-Powered Qliphothic Sorcerer

In "Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations," You'll Learn:

  • Full evocation rituals for the Demonic Kings & Queens of Sitra Ahra
  • Complete personality profiles for the Spirits
  • Portraits of demons as witnessed in ritual
  • How to interpret transmitted knowledge
  • Formulae for magic tools & scrying mirrors
  • Best practices that maximize your health & safety
  • 100% pure Qliphothic Magic free of dogma

Look At The Exact Demonic Kings & Queens That You Will Evoke With Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations Below:

Primer Part 1
Introduction Ch. 1
Methods of Work Ch. 2
Grimoire: Evocation Rituals & Sigils Part 2
Naamah: The Lady of the Gate Ch. 3
Lilith & Samael: The Harlot & the Prince of Darkness Ch. 4
Adrammelech: The Peacock King Ch. 5
Baal & Venus Illegitima: God of War & Dark Goddess of Passion Ch. 6
Tubal Cain: The Maker of Sharp Weapons Ch. 7
Belphegor: The Lord of the Dead Ch. 8
Asmodeus & Nemesis: The Destroying God & the Lady of Retribution Ch. 9
Astaroth: The Foul Angel of the Qliphoth Ch. 10
Belial: The Keeper of the Gate Ch. 11
Choronzon & Shugal: Demon of Dispersion & Howler in the Desert Ch. 12
Lucifuge Rofocale: The Lord of the Night Ch. 13
Beelzebub & Adam Belial: The Lord of the Flies & the Wicked Man Ch. 14
The Lord of Thaumiel: Satan-Moloch-Lucifer Ch. 15

Book 3. Tunnels Of Set — A Clairvoyantly Authored & Illustrated Grimoire Of The 22 Demonic Pathways On The Tree Of Qliphoth With A Cosmology Map, Spirit Portraits, Advanced Sigils, Proven Rituals & More

In "Tunnels Of Set," You Are Going To Receive A Pioneer's Guide To Navigating The Tree Of Qliphoth Like Never Before In Occult History...

  • An unprecedented, complete 22-pathway guidebook for pioneers to perform self-initiation through the mysterious Tunnels of Set that innovates off earlier pioneers like Kenneth Grant and Aleister Crowley, and evolves Qliphothic Magic to new territory in the 21st century
  • Clairvoyant magical profiles of 22 Demonic Tunnel Guardians, featuring vivid tricolor portraits of their occult humanoid manifestations from ritual gnosis — printed beautifully in full-color ink with eye-popping surrealism
  • Highly advanced sigils received directly from the Demonic Guardians in astral travels and vision quests — these clairvoyant pictograms unite together the most powerful aspects of a spirit for immediate connection — you CANNOT find these priceless talismans anywhere else
  • Proven, charted pathworkings that navigate you through astral traveling and lucid dreaming to these Qliphothic Realms, and enter first-hand gnosis with the Demonic Guardians in their respective locales — double and triple verified by allies within my Temple of Ascending Flame
  • Divination system of correspondences between the Tunnels of Set and Tarot Cards to enlighten you on their magical synergies and empower you to summon forces from the Tunnels of Set in your Qliphoth Tarot Readings — this harnesses breakthrough discoveries and concepts from tarot innovators like Linda Falorio
  • Step-by-step methods of spirit contact from sigil magic, to Guardian invocation, to Pathworking, Dream Work, and more — learn to perform rituals that harness magic of the Tunnels of Set and Tree of Qliphoth for your eternal ascent

You Can See The Exact Demonic Guardians & Tunnels Within The Table Of Contents In "Tunnels Of Set" Below...

Tablet of Set
Introduction p.7
Methods of Work p.21
The Opening of the Web of Fates p.31
I. Amprodias p.39
II. Baratchiel p.51
III. Gargophias p.63
IV. Dagdagiel p.75
V. Hemethterith p.87
VI. Uriens p.99
VII. Zamradiel p.111
VIII. Characith p.123
IX. Temphioth p.135
X. Yamatu p.145
XI. Kurgasiax p.155
XII. Lafcursiax p.167
XIII. Malkunofat p.179
XIV. Niantiel p.191
XV. Saksaksalim p.203
XVI. A’ano’nin p.215
XVII. Parfaxitas p.227
XVIII. Tzuflifu p.239
XIX. Qulielfi p.251
XX. Raflifu p.263
XXI. Shalicu p.275
XXII. Thantifaxath p.287
Bibliography p.299
Asenath Mason p.301
Become A Living God p.303

Order The Qliphothic Trilogy RIGHT NOW To Receive All 3 Books Of The Qliphothic Magic Series In One Master-Grimoire And Get $228 Off To Save 41%

  The Qliphothic Trilogy Black leather, 3 books in 1, 594 pages
  Qliphothic Meditations Leather & cloth versions, 166 pages
  Qliphothic In. & Evocations Leather & cloth versions, 250 pages
  Tunnels of Set Leather & cloth versions, 305 pages
  Grimoire Guard Book box to protect mint condition
  Global Shipping Ships within two business days

As always, to help as many Qliphothic Magicians as possible to save as much on tuition as possible, I have combined my three pioneer grimoires into one master-grimoire, called The Qliphothic Trilogy. Normally, a leather grimoire ranges between $179-199 and all three together would cost as much as $557, but when you place your order for The Qliphothic Trilogy for only $349, you immediately get $208 off to save 37%. In conclusion, this three-in-one compendium lowers your tuition dramatically to remain more affordable, thus giving you a giant discount of nearly half off.

Why I Do Not Guarantee Your Safety...

Each encounter with the gods and goddesses of the Dark Tree will change you, triggering inner processes of purification and transformation. This may result in a lot of manifestations, affecting your day-to-day life and coming to the surface in the form of emotions, thoughts, desires, fantasies, fears, frustrations, etc. Sometimes these manifestations will be beautiful and empowering. Other times they will manifest as obstacles and complications that you will have to deal with. Such is the nature of the Qliphoth, and you have to be ready to accept it all.

This is by no means a “safe” path, but many will say that where there is power, there is also danger and risk, and the price that you get to pay for gnosis which comes with initiations of these realms is worth it because it surpasses any other. To profit from this work you have to be ready to leave your comfort zone and step into the unknown. Also, the Path of the Qliphoth is not merely a set of workings that can be performed now and then, but a spiritual quest that can take a lifetime. I take every measure to provide you best practices for maximal health and safety, but please know that I cannot and do not guarantee your safety.

I wish you the greatest time working with these deities in your own practice and don’t be afraid to embrace their powers. As always, if you would ever like to submit a question or concern to me, you may find me on Facebook and drop me a message!

Darkest Blessings,

Meet The Author

Asenath Mason

Asenath is a top occult writer and clairvoyant artist. She has authored over 10 books on magical and esoteric subjects, with a particular focus on Left Hand Path & Luciferian spirituality.
