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21 Of The Most Hardcore Black Magicians Reveal Their Favorite, Most Life-Changing Rituals…

  • open-book-top-viewAnthology of Sorcery 3: The world's most powerful magick spells
  • belial-sigil-30Belial Sigil Amulet: Classic occult sigil engraved in metal pendant
  • multiple-users-silhouetteCo-Authors: 21 top magicians, sorcerers & witches
  • hammerEditor: Timothy
  • cloud-downloadSample Chapter: Anthology of Sorcery 3
Anthology of Sorcery

In Anthology 3, you will learn:

  • E.A. Koetting - Belial's Rage
  • S. Ben Qayin - Sonic Incantations
  • Asenath Mason - The Mirror of Lilith
  • S. Connolly - Rite of Zagan
  • Kurtis Joseph - Alter Fate By Drugaskan
  • Asbjörn Torvol - Odin's Eye
  • Andrieh Vitimus - Curse of Endless Discord
  • And 14 more top authors

Sold out.

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Peer Reviews

  • The unique insights on magic and how it works are cutting edge, and what the magic community needs as it evolves into a new era. In this scientific age, magic is now advancing with fresh technique and philosophy, and the methods presented within my essay The Sonic Structure of Incantations is helping to push that boundary ever further.

    S. Ben QayinAuthor
  • I have contributed to all three volumes of the Anthology of Sorcery, but this one is certainly special among them. The idea of a book of spells provided by active magicians, tested and verified through their personal work, shows that the occult arts are more alive now than ever before, and I’m excited to be a part of this amazing grimoire. The variety of spells included in the book, coming from many magical traditions, makes it a unique publication that will be a valuable addition to the library of every serious practitioner.

    Asenath MasonAuthor
  • It is an honor to be a part of this upcoming third volume of Become A Living Gods upcoming Anthology of Sorcery. This one text out of all three volumes will be the most practical and life changing Anthology to be released to date! The most powerful sorcerers of this Aeon have forged an alliance for the sake of empowering mankind to shift their realities according to personal will and desire. Through this empowerment the shackles of limitation will crumble and magickians from all walks of life will be able to get back to human evolution in this new age.

    Kurtis JosephAuthor

Dear Friend,

Let me ask you a few questions. They might sound grandiose at first, but hear me out...

  • What is the most powerful spell in the world?
  • What is the most life-changing ritual a magician can perform?
  • What is the greatest magick available to humanity?
  • What undeniable experiences caused top magicians to become magicians in the first place?

Have you ever wondered...

  • Why have you discovered magick, when so many other people have not?
  • And why have you identified as a black magician?

As obsessive as it sounds, these mysteries keep me awake at night. I need to know their answers otherwise I cannot fall asleep. I cannot tell you the number of times I have passed out in my ritual chamber, lost in clairvoyant divination with spirits on a mission to find out!

Let Me Disclose My Childhood Trauma So You Understand...

Let me divulge a little bit of my childhood trauma so you can relate to me...

I was born to a single mother who gave me up for adoption. No one seemed to love me as I was shuffled between physically abusive foster homes for years. By an ironic twist of fate, I finally landed under the custody of a fire and brimstone Christian pastor. At age 12, I discovered Ouija boards and would perform candle magick in my closet behind his back. It immediately became clear that only black magick would provide the escape I needed, when nothing else could.

If sorcery can provide hopes and dreams to a desperate 12 year old boy locked away in his bedroom, then it can literally help anyone regardless of sex, race, nationality, or age.

I found out in my twenties that the Demonic Gatekeepers interceded on my behalf as a child and ushered me to magick. In fact, they have disclosed to me the exact manner in which they will affect and shape the rest of my life in precise detail.

An Alliance Of Spirits Known As The Demonic Gatekeepers Knew You Before Birth, Helped You Reincarnate To Earth, And Stand By Right Now To Perform Your Magick

Let's concentrate on you for a minute. Why did you come here? How did you navigate militant childhood indoctrination and still recognize your love for magick? I imagine that a series of undeniable synchronicities helped you.

Reflect back on every stone you stepped upon to reach this place in your life. Recall the glorious moment when you found the Left Hand Path and immediately recognized it as yours. How did you know intuitively?

Society tried to indoctrinate you, but your intuition said, "Fuck that!"

Your Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

I hate to talk out of school. Normally I would never declare these facts openly, because they sound kooky, but I need to let my freak flag fly in honor of an idea whose time has come.

You intuitively recognized the Left Hand Path for these two reasons:

  • You were a sorcerer or sorceress in a past life and carried the identity with you into this incarnation.
  • You knew the Demonic Gatekeepers on the Astral Plane between lives.

I fully concede that this sounds like the plot of a 90's horror movie, but the supernatural truth is stranger than fiction.

Indoctrinated muggles will stumble upon this priceless knowledge and shrug it off as spooky devil worship. But your intuition knows better than to believe their lies.

I tell you this fact with a completely straight face.

An alliance of Astral Demons known altogether as The Demonic Gatekeepers have surveilled and elevated you from their sovereign Astral Realms, perhaps over multiple lifetimes. Not only that, but between earth-lives you probably apprenticed in their Astral Schools. Their magick intercedes in your life, shapes your energy body, and affects your psychology. They have carefully laid the stones under your feet so you could reunite in this waking earth-life, as you already have in dreams.

They are not Christian guardian angels nor New Age spirit guides — they are fucking astral demons who perform magick for humans that champion the values of the Left Hand Path. They become your patron demon or matron demoness.

I cannot explain it any more simply than that. I give you full permission to call me crazy. Nonetheless, you did not wake up by mistake, no matter what you say. The Demonic Gatekeepers woke you up.

Learn This Life-Changing Sorcery To Reclaim Your Birthright As A God In The Flesh... Our Third Anniversary Edition Features 50 Authors And Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Of Anthology Of Sorcery - SOLD OUT

Update: The Third Anniversary Edition and Evocation of Belial have sold out. You may still place an order for Anthology of Sorcery 3 with the Belial Amulet.

While indoctrinated muggles quarrel violently over politics, the Demonic Gatekeepers awaken their population of Human Magicians on planet Earth. Satan has always been mainstream, Lucifer has become a new presence in culture, and Belial currently Ascends to prominence next.

Satan has always been in mainstream culture, Lucifer has become a new presence in subculture, and Belial currently Ascends to prominence next.

Evocation of Belial & Engraved Sigil Amulets

For this reason, we have dedicated the Third Anniversary Edition to the demon Belial, and I will perform the Evocation of Belial in a gatekeeper ritual on September 12th. I am looking for magicians who would like to awaken the Underworld to change their lives forever with:

  • Full gatekeeper ritual with Belial
  • Certified blood pact in your name
  • Complete breakdown of experience
  • Magick formula for you to perform too

Furthermore, our jeweler has also stamped out 50 graven metal pendants with the classic occult sigil of Belial on its face.

Third Anniversary Edition

Our Anthology of Sorcery has featured 195,122 words in 59 essays by 50 top authors over the last three years. Volumes 1 and 2 sold out forever, which has forced people to scramble for copies at ten times the original price on auction.

  • May 20, 2014 - Anthology of Sorcery 1 - Sold Out
  • July 7, 2015 - Anthology of Sorcery 2 - Sold Out
  • August 29, 2017 - Anthology of Sorcery 3 - Act Now

We do not necessarily like this sense of scarcity, but it undeniably occurs due to the rarity of these artisanal leather grimoires. This special Third Anniversary Edition assembles the most diverse roster of authors in the history of magick. You may view 9 of the 50 authors in the table below:

E.A. Koetting Gods of the Kali Yuga, Belial's Rage, and more
Lon Milo DuQuette Spirit Evocation & Exorcism: That Old Black Magic
Robert Bruce Deep Waters: A Tale of Demonic Possession
Michael W. Ford The Infernal Path of Hekate, and Azazel & the Rephaim
Asenath Mason Pact with Lucifer, The Mirror of Lilith, and more
S. Connolly Pacts with Daemons, Asmodai, and more
S. Ben Qayin The Spirit of Hatred, and Sonic Incantations of Spells
Dante Abiel The Black Trinity
Kurtis Joseph Altering Fate Through Drugaskan
And 41 more top authors

We will never witness this exact unprecedented union of magicians ever again. This book is lightning in a bottle.

Order The Belial Edition Right Now And Receive:

Anthology of Sorcery 3 Featuring 21 top authors
Belial Sigil Talisman Engraved metal sigil amulet
Grimoire Guard Velvet jewelry bag to protect mint condition
Global Shipping Receive in 2 weeks on average

Normally, my rate for a package like this would range as high as $249. But because I want as many magicians as possible to benefit from the Belial Edition, I've priced it at only $179... and it comes with Anthology of Sorcery 3 and the Belial Amulet free. This means you get as much as $70 off.

You save 65% on the most brutally powerful magick grimoire on Earth.

Anthology 3 Looks And Feels Like A Classic Grimoire Of The Darkest Witchcraft... Like A Magick Cookbook Filled With The Greatest Recipes For Ascent

Many, many great magicians from every continent on the planet submitted essays to disclose their favorite, most life-changing magick rituals. For this volume particularly, we have accepted only 22 of the most exceptional authors, all of whom united together with the mutual aspiration to formulate The Most Powerful Book Of Spells In Human History.

Anthology 3 reimagines the medieval style of a classical grimoire of witchcraft, like what a trespasser would find in a haunted cabin in the forest where a witch lived. The magician could open it and drag their finger down the table of contents to find the exact spell they need to help an area of their life, e.g., love, sex, money, law, curses, health, ascent, etc.

Essentially, 22 top sorcerers have collaborated on a magick cookbook filled with their favorites recipes to change the world.

Tablet Of Authors & Magick

E.A. Koetting Belial's Rage
Asenath Mason The Mirror of Lilith
S. Ben Qayin The Sonic Structure of Incantations
S. Connolly Rite of Zagan
Kurtis Joseph Altering Fate By Drugaskan
Asbjörn Torvol The Eye of Odin
Astrid Torvol Tyr's Justice
Andrieh Vitimus The Curse of Endless Discord...
M. King Conjuring Wealth
Baron von Pfaffenhofen Destroying Your Enemy's Centre of Gravity
Somnus Dreadwood The Végnïszak Hidretehk Rite
Kimmo Kivi Ancient Finnish Spells
J.S. Garrett The Rite of Deification
Cody Magus Rite of the Werewolf
Charles W. Cosimano The Ritual of Psionics
J.D. Temple The Primordial Abundance of Mighty Jupiter
D.W. Romano Ritual for Dark Spiritual Ascent
T.S. Thomas Gateway to Evocation
Rein Sharpe The Ugly Stick
J.A. Perez Dark Intentions
Harry Forneus Forgiveness Spell

We Dedicate This Ultra-Powerful Spellbook To Future Magicians Who Need It Most In The Next Generation

Do you see my grand ambition now? I resolve my childhood trauma when I help future magicians escape from theirs, and reconnect with The Demonic Gatekeepers. It closes the loop.

When we elevate both ourselves and future generations, we usher humanity into the next stage of evolution.

Godlike Power,

Signature E.A. Koetting

Meet The Author

Anthology of Sorcery