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Hi, Friend,
I'm excited to let you know that I've finished writing
my e-book "Become A Living God," and all that is left
is to edit and format it for you!
We have set the date of April 25th to release "Become
A Living God," and since you're a member here, YOU'LL
be the first to hear about it!
Keep up to date on the release at:
Something you may not know is that this site,
this meeting place here at
is more than just a place that you can get quirky
information in these newsletters, tips on how to
take your rituals and spiritual Ascent to the next
level, and it's even more than being able to download
educational programs on every spiritual practice known
to man.
What's going on here is much, much more than all
of that.
Let me tell you about a vision that I had several
years ago, when the practices of evocation, soul travel,
divination, and all of the pathworking and spellcasting
disciplines really started to click for me.
I had learned a method of scrying unlike anything
else I had ever seen.
And, actually, I've never seen anyone do this since.
So, now I'm going to pass that secret practice on
to you, to do with it what you will!
I purchased a small quartz sphere from a little
occult shop.  It was really nothing special, just a
quartz sphere, or what most people might call a "Crystal
Or so I thought.
Once I got the sphere home, I ran it under cold
water, to clear out whatever energy had collected in
the crystal.
I then held it in my right hand, and with exhalations,
I filled the crystal orb with my own power.
I could feel it radiating, pulsing with power.
I gazed into the orb and the surface of it filled
with a familiar white mist.
If you've ever scried into a mirror or a crystal
ball, then you know exactly what I mean, as this mist
materializes almost every single time you scry.
As I was gazing into the orb, though, I was distracted
by the awareness that somebody was in the room with me.
I turned around to find my old friend and great
mentor, Master Suhnam, standing behind me, watching me
Now, something that you should know about Master
Suhnam if you already don't is that I've only seen him
in the flesh 3 times.
The hundreds, if not thousands, of other times I've
met with Master Suhnam, he has appeared as an apparation,
materializing in the room, passing his teachings to me,
and dematerializing again.
So, he appeared in the room behind me wearing his
usual khaki colored monastic robe, his dark skin radiating
a bright light, and his eyes swimming with memories
of Eternity.
He asked me, "Chela (which was what he called his
disciples), why are you looking with your two eyes into
that Seer Stone, when instead it is your third eye
which sees into the spirit?"
Suhnam approached me, placed his hands around mine,
and guided them to grab the orb and to bring it to my
forehead, and touch the cold, smooth surface of the
sphere to my skin, right where my Ajna chakra is.
In the second that the orb touched my skin, my Ajna
chakra activated instantly.
I could actually FEEL my Ajna Chakra, or third eye,
open and expand and envelope the entire crystal sphere,
the combination of the astral organ and the physical
quartz tool allowing my spiritual sight to see much
farther, much deeper, and much clearer than ever before.
And, in that state, I had a vision.
I saw myself, in third person, as if I was hovering
above myself, in a sort of temple.
I sat with thousands of others, and I was teaching
them the secrets to power.
And they were teaching me their secrets of power
as well.
We sat, each of us entering into light meditation,
and the pyschic connections between each person was
visible, light rays of light spreading through the entireuns
temple, connecting thousands of people together, as one
mind, one spirit, and one power.
And together, I saw myself and this group of thousands
focus their power and their attention towards a single goal,
a goal that was hidden from me at the time, and as every
single person in the temple released their power towards
that goal, the energy exploded through the roof of the
temple and blasting into the sky, and flooded through the
And I saw world events begin to change.
I want to tell you exactly what I saw happen in the
world, but I think that is for you to discover on your own.
Because, now, I'm going to challenge all of you:

If you have already Mastered the 3 Godlike Powers in
your life, then this is your task:
1. Use divination to discover changes that need to be
made in the world, in your community, in your
country, or in the world as a whole.  Through
divination, you will be given a task that is
appropriate to your current abilities, and a
goal that will assist in the elevation of the human
2. Use soul travel to gather more information about
this goal, and possibly to consult with guides and
Masters, and even the Source Itself on how to bring
this goal about.
3. Use evocation to materialize your goal in the world!
You see, I'm not just here teaching you how to do parlor
tricks, how to get a cute boyfriend or girlfriend, or how
to get a raise at work through magick, even though you can
definitely use your power for that.
No, my friend, I am showing you how to Become A Living God.
And a Living God makes dramatic and solid changes in the world.
And I hope that you see that this is not just a website
where you can come and learn the secrets of power, but it is a
meeting place for Living Gods!  And, as more of us Ascent and
Converge, our power is added to the chalice from which each of
us may drink.
Our power will be unstoppable.
Our presence will be Eternal.
Our knowledge will be unending.
Our name will be Limitless.
If you have yet to Master the 3 Godlike Powers, then I
am sincerely excited for you to see
unfurl, as you'll be handed all of the tools that you'll need
to allow you to embrace Godhood!
And then, together, you and I can work towards the
literal transfiguration of this planet!
We'll talk again soon!
E.A. Koetting
Real Magick. Real Results.®

Copyright 2012 E.A. Koetting, Become A Living God.
"E.A. Koetting" and "Become A Living God" are
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