I'm currently working on the Mastering Evocation course, and it's going to BLOW YOUR MINDS! I'm going to personally guide you through every step of everything related to evocation, from setting up your temple, developing the faculties needed to communicate with spirits, to summoning not just one spirit, but legions. And that's just where the program starts!
In my perspective, there are only two things that are as awesome as Evocation. Those two things are Divination and Soul Travel!
These 3 Godlike Powers form the foundation of ALL magick, all spirituality, and all power.
And the process all begins with Divination. Divination is the process of obtaining information that is normally not obtainable. It is literally the ability to know anything instantly, simply through applying the systems taught in my Mastering Divination Course.
I constantly hear back from people who have taken my Mastering Divination Course, and they are all raving about how it is singly responsible for their own personal breakthroughs into Divination.
Get Massive Success With Divination |
Hey Friend,
There's a certain type of friend or family member that we all know.... and can't stand.
I'm sure that you have people in your life like this, and I KNOW that I definitely do!
This person doesn't hang around too long or stay too late. They don't invite themselves to personal activities. They don't even necessarily tell awkward jokes or ramble on with boring stories.
In fact, this sort of person usually pretty unnoticed... until they need something.
Whether it's a shoulder to cry on, someone to watch the kids while they handle some "emergency," or they need "just" a few hundred dollars to make their mortgage payment, you seem to be their one and only friend in the world when personal disaster strikes.
Sure, they usually pay you back around the time that they promised, and their favors really aren't too extreme, so we usually put up with them, well aware of their personal nature.
But, they seem to have all the friends in the world, and not any time for you, when they're invited to gatherings, birthday parties, or just to come over for dinner and drinks.
I mention this type of person here because it is me. And I'll make a bet that it's you too!
Of course, I'm not talking about our mundane lives, but instead I'm referring to the way that we practice magick.
I know that if I need or want more money, I can perform a specific evocation that will bring it to me within minutes. I know that if I need help in my personal relationships, that spirits of Venus are more than happy to help. I know that when those I care about are ill, Marbas or Raphael will answer my call, and I have no doubt that when I have a specific goal to achieve, I'm just a simple ritual away from its fulfillment.
What about the times when I don't need anything, though? What do I do when there is no disaster to clean up or devastation to divert?
Well, I do the same thing you probably do: nothing.
I sit back and enjoy how good life is, and I know that at any moment, if cataclysm should strike, an army stands ready to be called.
What I'm only recently beginning to realize is that using magick to avert calamity isn't good enough. At least, it's not good enough when I have an Empire to build.
Magick is like most things in life - there is a definite momentum that develops with each success. And the greater the success, the greater the momentum.
If you're trying to build muscle or to lose weight, you know that no matter how good you did one week, you need to continue that process and stay plugged into the system to get continuous results. If you watch what you eat and exercise daily for one week, and then take two months off before your next week of healthy living, you're not really going to make any progress at all.
It's funny that we don't take the same approach with our spiritual development, when the results are going to be exactly the same as the example given above.
What I've started doing this last year is constantly pushing my will into the world through ritualregardless of how good things are going! I already have enough money. I already have great health, an amazing relationship, an unbreakable bond with my daughter, several businesses that are all thriving. It would be more than easy to look at my life and say, "Great, I'm done!"
Like I said earlier, though, I'm not here to just get by, or to just do well in life. I'm here to build an Empire that will endure for centuries after I'm gone. And I know that I can't do that unless I'm constantly focused on never-ending improvement in every aspect of my life.
And so, my rituals are no longer aimed at putting out fires in my life, but they're now targeting all of the things in my life that are great, and could be better. All of my spiritual workings are directed towards the endless expansion of my success.
I do want to make something clear here. Whether we're talking about evocation, soul travel, divination, pathworking, spellcasting, baneful magick, healing magick, prosperity ritual, ceremonial magick, self-hypnosis, and all of the rest, what we're really talking about is success.
We're finding ways of maximizing our potential for success in all of our endeavors. Fortunately, we've come upon these magickal systems that allow us to tap into the very power that will enable us to be successful at anything that we put our hands on! However, in order to even further maximize our potential for success, we need to learn to cultivate an eye single to our Ultimate Outcome.
These Ultimate Outcomes don't include things like paying the mortgage or finding a lover. These are small things, and once you've learned how to apply the occult systems to them you'll see how easy these simple tasks are to manifest.
Speaking of which, if you've been living under a rock and haven't gotten your risk-free trial of my e-book "Become A Living God," a good deal of these occult systems for achieving most goals through ritual are laid out in detail in that e-book.
Become A Living God |
The Ultimate Outcomes that I'm talking about are goals that will likely take you a good part of your life to achieve.
Some people have the goal to learn to summon spirits to visible materialization, or to learn divination, or soul travel, but those are really pretty simple too, once you learn the system that causes those miracles to take place. This is why I'm putting together the Mastery Courses, so that we can take the mystery out of the occult and you can make use of these systems in your life. I strongly encourage you to browse my entire catalog:
Program Catalog |
So, when you're thinking about what these Ultimate Outcomes will be for you, put yourself in the mental position that assumes that you're going to Master the 3 Godlike Powers without any issue, and that you'll learn how to use magick to its maximum potential. Ask yourself, "What will I do with these powers once I have them? What will MY Empire look like?
Let me share a few of my Ultimate Outcomes.
1.To develop the most effective and reliable spiritual system in history. I'm well on my way to this through the Become A Living God movement!
2.To have the ability to materialize any object instantly in front of me. Right now I'm dealing with a maximum delay of about 48 hours for the manifestation of objects or desires, and those objects will come to me through other mediums (friends, relatives, business success, etc) rather than literally appearing out of thin air.
3.To be able to dematerialize any object and cause it to rematerialize in a different spot. For the record, I have witnessed this occurrance once, when coming out of a deep meditation with some friends. We were actually pulled out of our meditation by the sound of something crashing to the ground. We looked and found that a candle sitting in a glass holder had disappeared from the nightstand beside me and had reappeared mid-air across the room and had fallen on the ground and broken. I have not yet been able to repeat this, although I know the general formula to cause it to happen. At this point, it's a matter of working the kinks out of the system.
4.To be able to Soul Travel to another physical location and in that location solidify my spiritual body to full physical materialization, attaining the highest level of spiritual critical mass. I've managed rematerialization a few times, but only to the degree of a transparent figure appearing to psychically sensitive people.
I have a few other Ultimate Outcomes that I'm working towards, but I'm going to keep those to myself for now. What's important, though, is that I know that there are a few essential ingredients to achieving everything that I want.
1) Gaining the education. Knowledge is NOT power... but it's the first step.
2) Putting the knowledge into practice in your life, to produce verifiable change. This is where the actual power comes into play!
3) Utilizing the natural momentum of success to create more success.
4) Pushing yourself to learn more, to practice more, and to make success not something that you achieve, but making success something that you ARE!
I'll talk to you again soon!
Your friend,