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The Intriguing Story Of A Lovesick Man... Who Hired Me To Perform Divination To Hunt Down His Long Lost Sweetheart Of Over 20 Years... And The Unusual Love Spell That Ensued

From the Editor, Timothy: We concluded the year 2014 with the release of the Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis textbook and companion course, through which we strived to give happiness to as many souls as possible. Truth be told, E.A. possessed little interest in the idea preliminarily. I peer pressured him into it, because I recognize the unmatched specialty of its pathworking, whereas he usually remains humble about himself. Come December, he overjoyed at the festivity of it—a measured 180-degree turnaround.

This forthcoming year will bear the providence of at least two unique texts for your personal inheritance: (1) Anthology of Sorcery: Book 2 by a family of preeminent writers; (2) Black Magick: The Left Hand Path by yours truly, me. For those among you whom wish to retain the cumulative set of Anthologies, in other words, those who want a copy of each book in the ongoing series, we recommend you follow this newsletter with diligence for updates on both A.O.S. and Black Magick.

A second remarkable highlight for 2015 consists of our addition of two new authors to the Become A Living God roster: (1) The inimitable S. Ben Qayin, author of The Book of Smokeless Fire, agreed to pen at least three books with us over the next five years (2) The rising author, A.S. Christi, confirmed a four-book agreement with us over the next few years which will exclusively cover pathworking the organic elements of fire, water, air, and earth in the context of black magick.

As always, your undying support means everything.

Hey Friend,

I was recently reminded of the impressive accuracy of Divination during a consultation with a client who wanted to reconnect with a lover.  I learned a few new things from it, so I thought you might find it interesting too!

20 years prior to our consultation, my client, Tom, found himself very much in love with a woman he had met in his hometown.  Just as their relationship started to get serious, he was forced to leave for a short while, but made promises to return and to continue what they had started.

Once my client, Tom, returned to his hometown, his lover couldn’t be found anywhere.  For 20 years, he has been searching for her, in person, through phone books, and on internet sites, with as little luck as he had on the first day of his return.

He sent me a photo of her, along with her name and birthdate, as links to establish a psychic connection with her.  I shuffled my tarot deck, imbuing the cards with intention, and flipped them over one by one to reveal the story of her life for the past 20 years.

The good news was that she was healthy, and happy, and that life had treated her well.  Since their separation, she had moved to another country altogether, and had settled into another relationship, eventually marrying, having children, and raising them until they were adults themselves.

My Mind's Eye Flooded With Visions Of Her...

Within a ten minute reading, I saw two decades of her busy and full life as each card opened as a window to a portion of her story.

From what I could see at the time of this reading, she was still married, and was quite happy in life, and I warned Tom that if he wanted to pursue her in order to win her back, that he would in turn make her miserable.  He insisted that he simply wanted to see her again, to know for himself that she was well, and to find closure for this open chapter in his own life.

Putting the cards away, I silently asked myself to reveal a Working for Tom to do that would draw them back together.

This is where most magicians will start flipping through pages of spellbooks looking for the right one, like they’re trying to find the perfect recipe for quiche.

I used to own an enviable occult library with everything from arcane works of esoterica obscurantis to candle spellbooks for witchy teens.  When I finally started making breakthroughs in the development of my 3 Godlike Powers (Omniscience through Divination; Omnipotence through Evocation; and Omnipresence through Soul Travel), I gave most of my books away, instead taking my questions to the Authors of Knowledge directly!

Ever since, if there is something that I truly want to know, all that is needed is for me to ask the question, and the answer is delivered.  But, remember: In order to get an answer, you have to ask the question.

So, I asked what ritual Tom should perform, and as the answer came from my Omniscient Knowing into my mundane mind, I repeated it to him, as I knew that I wouldn’t remember the theta-prophecy once I had returned to my normal state.

Herein Lies The Spellcasting Ritual Exactly As I Received It

Pour salt in a bowl.  The color of the bowl is unimportant.  In the center of the bowl, place a single white candle, buried in the salt so it will stand.  On opposite edges of the bowl, place a photograph of yourself, facing inwards, across from which you will place a photograph of your former lover.  These are both facing inwards, towards the other, their line of vision obstructed only by the candle.  All three devices – the photo of you, the photo of her, and the white candle – should be embedded in the salt so that they remain standing.

Place the bowl on your altar, and for 11 days, on the same hour each day, light the candle and gaze into the flame, having positioned the arrangement in the bowl in such a way that you are able to look through the flame and see the photograph of the target of your spell.  As you gaze at the candle and at her image, visualize her as if she were standing before you today, try to hear her voice as if it were speaking to you, remember the way that she smelled.  Most importantly, recreate the way that you felt when in her presence, and feel it again as strongly as before.  Do this until your desire is put to peace and you feel nothing other than certain of the success of the ritual.  Speak to her aloud, not as you would speak to your lover, but speak to her as a God would speak to His creation, commanding her thoughts, her emotions, her body, and her soul to turn to you, to be drawn to you, to seek you out even without knowing why, or who she is seeking.   Blow out the candle.

On the next day, at that same hour, light the candle, but before gazing into it, move both photographs inwards, towards the candle and towards each other, just a little, and then go forward with the rest of the ritual.  Each day, you will move the pictures one step closer to the candle in the center,  and each day your vision of her will grow and clarify.  And, each day, she will be drawn more to you.

On the 11th day, the photographs will be touching the candle, finally, which is the pillar of magick working towards your love and connection.  Tie the photographs to the candle with red ribbon or yarn, both still facing inwards, folded and wrapped around the candle, and continue with the ritual.  Once it is finished, make your final command for her to come to you, and with all of your will KNOW that it will be and release all of your desire for her, knowing that she is already on her way to you.

Take the bundle of candle and photos and wrap them in white, black, or red silk, and put it away somewhere where it will be forgotten, and where you will not stumble upon it accidentally any time soon.  Otherwise, you can bury it, or you can toss it into a deep river.”

My Spellcasting Revelation Left Tom Speechless...

Tom finished jotting his notes down, and was speechless.  He had expected that I would give him the same feel-good answers he had heard every other so-called magician and witch give him, like “Love spells will give you bad karma, even if you don’t intend harm,” or, “All you have to do is want it, and know that the universe will provide.”

Instead, he got a ritual, channeled from the intellect of Magick itself, delivered without superstitious warnings or new-age backpedalling.  I had never performed nor seen that ritual performed, but it seemed to be completely workable, and so I saw no reason to doubt its inspired origin.

Still gloating silently about my such few hours later, I received a follow-up  email from him,  though, and for a moment that previously absent doubt was overwhelming.

His email read:   “For the spell concerning the girl, you told me to take a bowl and fill it with salt.  I should like to ask: salt or sugar?  I ask only because after some research I am seeing that Salt is used for expelling and sugar for attracting.”

Why Did The Spirits Insist On Salt?

I had told him to use salt, because that is what came through me from what I had assumed to be a supernatural source.  But, he was correct in that Salt is used to expel, and so a ritual for creating an attractive force, Salt could possibly be the worst substance to use!

Instead of giving my paranoid mind free reign, I dropped my thoughts and dropped my state lower, down into theta.  Something other than my normal, conscious mind had given me the instruction to use salt.  Whether that ‘something’ is my Godself or an imaginary friend is of little concern to me, since experience has proven over decades to be supremely reliable.  So, I would return to that source of knowledge, the Wellspring of genius revelation, to gain clarity.

What I then received, which is what I immediately dictated and emailed to Tom, was an answer that I would not – maybe even could not have come up with if it were the mortal and ego-based “me” answering.  The simplicity of the response that I receive, together with the insight behind it, is not only fascinating, but also provides some great suggestions when working with sympathetic magick altogether!!

In this case, salt represents the separation that has existed between you, which is keeping you apart.  As the photos migrate towards each other, you and she move through the expelling and negative forces (represented with the salt) into there is no more separation between you, but you are united in spirit (represented by the pink or white candle) and bound together by friendship and compassion (represented by the pink ribbon binding the photos and candle together).

Merely using a bowl of sugar wouldn't be effective at all.  You see, the sugar would represent union and attraction.  But, you and she have already experienced union and you are already attracted, and both of you still carry love in your hearts for each other.  So sugar would only attempt to induce qualities that are already present.  Since these qualities are already present, and yet the situation remains unresolved, we have to assume that those qualities which would be represented by sugar are not enough to bring resolution, otherwise there would be no need for ritual.

Instead, we must induce qualities that are not yet present, or we must negate qualities that are antithetical to the desired conclusion. Thus the salt represents that very force of separation and the movement of the photos towards the center is a movement I love you and she towards one another thereby inducing through magical means the effect of union regardless of that salty negating force.

To be continued as we receive updates from Tom...

If you too would like to learn how to perform divination, in order to access knowledge you could not otherwise attain, I recommend you watch my Mastering Divination program. Do no worry if you are a complete newbie, or if you tried divination in the past and failed, this will catapult you along the path to Omniscience.

Click Here Right Now

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,

EA. Koetting
