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I Was Possessed By A Reptilian Entity And It Showed Me The Truth About Demon Possession, Spirit Invocation & The Astral Crossroads

E.A. Koetting

Hey Friend,

In the process of discovering how magick works, a few years ago I found that the stages of immersion into any magickal experience unfolds in 3 distinct phases.

1. Theta/Gamma Sync:  When a ritual, meditation, prayer, or even focused daydreaming is infused with either enough time or specific intention, our brainwaves drop out of Alpha (8-12 hertz) and into Theta Brainwave states (3-8 hertz).  Holding the Theta state for only a few minutes is enough to send our brainwaves through the roof, giving us access to normally dormant parts of our consciousness.  These ultra-high brainwave states are referred to as “Gamma Brainwaves.”

2. Rapture:  After the Theta/Gamma Sync has been engaged, throwing ourselves into the ritual even more, while keeping the conscious mind from getting too exciting and rising out of Theta, will trigger the second phase of immersion.  The Rapture State connects the internal changes with the external world, sometimes making us think that someone is outside of the room pounding on the walls, causing lights to flash around us (even in complete darkness!), creating a loss of equilibrium and proprioception, and is often marked by a sense of disaster, anxiety, or at minimum a feeling of failure.  These negative reactions often drive us out of the ritual completely, but once we recognize them as signs of success, the desired experience is just around the corner!

3. Crossroads:  When the internal and the external have interwoven into each other, the chaos and apprehension disappears, as does our attachment to this world.  While some people reporting experiencing a total removal from physical reality, most of us experience what seems to be an ‘overlap’ in which astral reality is seen as an added layer to physical reality.  This is the moment in which the real spiritual experience begins!

Since discovering these 3 phases of the supernatural experience, I’ve said that “The Crossroads is the ‘halfway mark.’  It is halfway in the astral plane, and halfway in the physical.”

Most Of My Spiritual Discoveries Come From The Spirits Themselves—NOT Humans!

What I learned only recently is that I was only halfway right:  The Crossroads is the halfway point, but not between the astral plane and the physical, but halfway outside of your body, and halfway inside of it.

I didn’t learn this through studying the works of other magicians, though.  Nor did I discover it by observing test subjects and measuring their experiences.  Instead, I found this out the same way I learn most things that I know about magick: from the spirits themselves.

I invited an entity that I know very well to enter my body and to possess me, and I had a friend question the spirit about the differences between possession and invocation, along with other questions about the nature of spirit existence.

But the best part is that I filmed this possession so I could share it with you, because the answers that I got were simply too important to keep to myself.

Come watch a clip of this footage right her:

Watch Footage

While there, be sure to sign up for the upcoming release of Black Magick: The Left Hand Path. In it, I reveal a full pathworking from beginner to advanced that covers literally every single aspect of the Left Hand Path praxeology in full. Also, my partner Timothy has penned the most complete elucidation and illumination on the philosophy behind this beautiful ideology. It will furnish you the higher education you never received, and cannot receive anywhere else. Sign up right now so that you can be ahead of the curve when we release these two unprecedented bombshells on December 29th!

I'll talk to you again soon...

You friend,

