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E.A. Koetting
Asenath Mason
Lon Milo DuQuette
Michael W. Ford
S. Connolly
Kurtis Joseph
Edgar Kerval
J.S. Garrett
Asbjörn Torvol
Orlee Stewart
Bill Duvendack
J.D. Temple
Sorceress X
Baron von Pfaffenhofen
Michael King
Jeffery Deuel
Dante Abiel
Andrieh Vitimus
Robert W. Cook
Nestor Avalos
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Dr. Ashraf
Cairo, Egypt
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"I admire the strength and heart behind E.A. Koetting and Become A Living God. He courageously expounds the virtues and values of the Left Hand Path in a way anyone can relate to. For too long have sorcerers hid in the shadows."
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New Hampshire, United States
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London, United Kingdom